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五洲传播中心 发布于 2018 时长:52分钟 清晰度:1080P全高清 语言: 英语
美国国家地理探险家兼摄影师本·霍顿与三位中国新时代探险家组成团队,踏上一段惊险刺激的极限旅程。在三集节目中,他们分别前往四川省的四姑娘山、陕西省汉中宁强的天坑群以及祖国南端的海南岛,向当地独特的自然环境发起挑战,走进那些在艰苦的环境中与大自然和谐共处的人类群落,向他们学习当地独有的生存技能,学以致用完成挑战。身怀绝技的中方新时代探险家们发挥了自己的专业素质,在探险过程中体现了中国人积极乐观、永不言弃的精神面貌。 National Geographic explorer and photographer Ben Horton teams up with three Chinese new-era explorers on extreme adventures. In these three episodes, they respectively proceed to Mt. Siguniang in Sichuan Province, sinkholes in Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province and Hainan Island in the southern part of China, to challenge the unique local natural environment, to interact with the human communities living in harmony with nature in the harsh environment, to learn from the locals about their unique survival skills and to complete the challenges using these skills. Chinese new-age explorers, with their unique skills, have brought their expertise into full play, reflecting the positive, optimistic and never-giving-up spirit of the Chinese people in the course of their explorations.
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