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美国国家地理/IFA/五洲传播中心 发布于 2017 时长:44分钟 清晰度:720P高清 语言: 中英对照
节目由英国著名航海家、历史学家萨姆·威利斯担任主持人,他从中国出发,沿着“海上丝绸之路”这条贸易路线,实地走访沿线国家和重要港口,展现“海上丝绸之路”建设在促进沿线国家和地区经济发展、社会进步等方面的积极作用。 The show was hosted by the famous British navigator and historian Sam Willis. He started from China, traveled along the trade route of the Maritime Silk Road, and visited the countries and important ports along the way. The show highlights the positive role of the Maritime Silk Road in promoting economic development and social progress in countries and regions along the route.
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