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国家地理、五洲传播中心 发布于 2019 时长:45分钟 清晰度:1080P全高清 语言:
本片通过国际视角,对外讲述了我国扶贫工作的生动故事,呈现了我国精准脱贫攻坚战取得的显著成效和丰硕成果。影片拍摄了 8 个省份的 9 个扶贫村,3 位外国主持人分别住进 9 户农家同吃住同劳动,亲眼见证新时代乡村地区的发展变化。 This series vividly narrates a series of typical stories of how China commissioned to lift people out of poverty and what achievements have been made from an international perspective. By inviting three famous hosts from abroad to stay and work with locals from 9 targeted villages in 8 provinces, this film shows the development and change of rural areas in the new era.
