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五洲传播中心 发布于 2016 时长:50分钟 清晰度:1080P全高清 语言: 中文

系列片针对“中国制造”这一世界关注的热点话题,选取了建筑设计、时装设计、产品设计三个领域中,具备国际视野同时又植根中国传统文化的多位风格、定位不同的优秀设计师,通过跟拍他们在各自重要的大型项目中表现出来的时代精神与创意力量,体现中国创意文化产业的飞速发展,并获得世界的认可。这种精神与力量,不但能逐渐调整与优化“世界加工厂”的劳动密集型产业结构,还有实力和信心使中国成为新的“世界工作室”,实现从“中国制作”到“中国设计”乃至“中国创造”的飞跃。 Focusing on the world hot topic "Made in China", the series has selected three fields: architecture, fashion and product design. Embodied with international vision and rooted in traditional Chinese culture, several outstanding designers showed different styles and orientations. They were selected for the shooting. Reflecting their spirit of the age and creative power in the important large-scale projects, the series shows that China's creative and cultural industry is developing rapidly and receiving the worldwide recognition. It will not only gradually adjust and optimize the labor-intensive industrial structure of "World Processing Factory", but also contribute to China' s developing into the new "World Studio", thus realizing a leap from "Made in China" to "Designed in China" and even "Created in China".

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